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Seniors Central

Tuesday 20:00-22:00

Bristol Grammar School Sports Hall

Foil, Epee & Sabre

Experienced fencers aged 13+ (13-year-olds must have a coach’s permission before attending). Minimum 1 year of fencing experience.

A competitive sparring session. There will usually be a coach-led warm-up and footwork session run for the first 30 minutes of the session. This is then followed by sparring, sometimes with some coach-directed exercises. We are often joined by experienced fencers from other clubs in the area for these sessions, including students from Bristol University, helping make Tuesdays one of the highest-standard sparring sessions currently available in the region.

Glen Golding, Nat Lewis & Ben Priestley

Wheelchair Fencing

We are also able to offer wheelchair fencing at our Senior Central sessions and have two wheelchair frames on-site to accommodate this. We regularly have wheelchair fencers training at the sessions alongside and with other members of the club. For more details, please see our wheelchair fencing page here.

“Fight Night”

The first Tuesday of every month is the club’s Fight Night competition. The format for this evening is a large poule unique for every weapon and we operate a reduced visitor’s fee of £7.50 for this night. Members of other clubs are encouraged to attend and take part in the competitive (but still friendly) atmosphere.

Please note, we are generally unable to provide any personal fencing equipment at these sessions as they are intended as training evenings for experienced fencers.