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Seniors North

Thursday 20:15-22:00

Chipping Sodbury School Sports Centre


Fencers aged 13+, 13-year-olds must have a coach’s permission before attending though. This session is open to anyone with some prior fencing experience i.e. having at least completed a beginner’s course.

A coach-led training session. There will usually be a warm-up and footwork session for the first 20 minutes of the session. This is then followed by sparring, sometimes with some coach-directed exercises. The club coaches also give individual lessons during this time to help club members refine their skills and strategies and learn new techniques and tactics.

Richard Bernstein

Beginner Courses

We run beginner courses at our North location periodically throughout the year. Each beginner’s course lasts for 6 weeks and teaches you everything required to join the club afterwards and continue your fencing journey, should you wish to. All the necessary equipment is provided. For further details, please see our Senior Beginner Courses page here.